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President Xi Jinping and President Putin have deep friendship. They have met for four times in this year and exchanged visits to steer and guide the bilateral relations. The practical cooperation in such fields as investment and energy between the two sides have continued to deepen and achieved a host of positive outcomes. In particular, the cooperation on strategic projects in relevant areas has been advanced steadily, which demonstrates strong inherent driving forces and broad development prospect. The year of China-Russia sub-national cooperation and exchanges has been successfully held with close cultural and people-to-people exchanges. Specially, the two sides have maintained close strategic coordination in international affairs, advanced the political settlement process of hot-spot issues, championed multilateralism, opposed unilateralist acts and played a strategic stabilizing role in promoting world peace, stability, fairness and justice.


答:我不知道你说的这些是从哪个渠道听说的。是真的吗?A: I was wondering how you learned about this. Is that true?我所知的是,中方依法保障了康明凯的各项合法权益和人道主义待遇,为加方履行正常的领事职务提供了必要协助。具体情况请问相关主管部门。

问:中国对美国计划从叙利亚和阿富汗撤军持何立场?是否认为这将导致地区形势变得更加不稳定?中方将如何应对?有专家担心美方减少对中东和阿富汗投入的真实意图,是为了专心应对来自中国的威胁。你对此有何评论?Q: What is China‘s take on the US plans to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan? Does it think that it will worsen the instability in these areas and what will China do? Some experts have said that they worry the US administration’s real goal in reducing its commitments to the Middle East and Afghanistan is actually to focus its attention on the threat from China. What‘s your comment?


