国务院重点任务分工 证监会牵头两项参与五项《国务院关于落实<政府工作报告>重点工作部门分工的意见》4月9日公布。《证券日报》记者经过梳理后注意到,明确需要证监会参加的共计7项,其中,有两项由证监会牵头,分别是设立科创板并试点注册制;改革完善资本市场基础制度,促进多层次资本市场健康稳定发展,提高直接融资特别是股权融资比重。
同时他表示,2018年中国手机市场规模将出现十多年来首次下降的趋势,同时品牌集中度也将进一步加剧,行业竞争将会更加惨烈。而中国市场是小米的根基,是全球最大的消费电子市场,也是全球行业竞争的高地。“只有本土胜出,才能持续支撑国际业务稳步发展 。只有赢在中国,才能赢得世界。”
Also relevant to these negotiations is the fact that time is on the Chinese side (because they are getting stronger faster than the U.S.) so it is in the interest of the U.S. to have any wars/confrontations that might happen earlier and it is in the interest of the Chinese to have them later. Also noteworthy, the U.S. and China have different approaches to wars/confrontations. The Chinese approach is to try win without fighting by quietly building one’s power and then showing it to one’s opponent so that the opponent will give up without fighting, while the Western approach to fighting (which some Chinese leaders believe has evolved from how Mediterranean/European cultures evolved) tends to be more like animals do via exchanging harmful blows, hurting both, until one submits to the other. While the Chinese have an aversion to this type of war because it’s so terrible, they will do it if pushed to do it. In other words the Chinese preferred approach to “wars” is to do them more as a competition to build strength which the Chinese do in a top-down Confucian sort of way, but they will fight in a tit-for-tat exchange of blows way if pushed. That is what we are now at the brink of.