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Blockchain Ltd。周四推出了推出了一个针对专业投资者的加密货币交易平台,该公司首席执行官Peter Smith在彭博电视台接受采访时表示,市场必须首先逆转跌势,之后机构投资者才会涌入。根据彭博综合报价,比特币周五一度下跌4.2%至5791美元,为去年11月以来的最低水平。纽约时间上午10:33,比特币交易价格为5878美元,2018年下跌59%,第二季度下跌14%。以太币和莱特币等其他加密货币跌幅更大,而CoinMarketCap.com跟踪的加密货币总价值已经从最狂热时的大约8300亿美元下降至2360亿美元。

阿富汗是中国友好邻邦。中方一贯支持阿富汗推进“阿人所有、阿人主导”的和平与和解进程。中方也愿意继续为推进阿富汗的和平与和解进程做出贡献和努力,让阿富汗人民早日享有和平、安全、稳定、发展。Afghanistan is a friendly neighbor of China. China consistently supports Afghanistan‘s peace and reconciliation process owned and guided by the Afghan people. China will continue to make contributions to and work for the peace and reconciliation process of Afghanistan so that Afghan people could enjoy peace, security, stability and development at an early date.

Azure云产品的营收增长率达89%,但微软并未公布具体营收。 微软游戏收入为22.9亿美元,相比去年同期增长了39%。微软生产力和业务流程部门(涵盖Office 365业务)的营收增长了13.1%,达到96.7亿美元,高于分析师平均预期的96.5亿美元。LinkedIn业务和办公网络的营收同比增长了37%,而Dynamics 365在线业务应用套件的营收增长了61%。

The US side was used to citing various anonymous sources or numbers that are “seemingly real” to accuse China of various things, which were later all proven wrong. This is nothing new. Not long ago, the Bloomberg Businessweek reported that Chinese hackers implanted microchips in the products of some of the US companies, including Apple and Amazon, to steal and channel out information. But Apple, Amazon and Supermicro all denied this story as soon as they could. Apple demanded a retraction of the report. Amazon said that there were many inaccuracies in the report, and no tampered hardware or problems arising from malware have been found. Supermicro said that the third-party‘s report did not identify any issues with suspicious chips or malware after a full review. We heard that Supermicro still reserves its right to pursue legal liabilities or take legal actions. Even the US Department of Homeland Security has publicly acknowledged that there was no evidence to prove that China has done such things. This time, the US side issued a so-called “indictment” on two Chinese people on the grounds of so-called “cyber-stealing”, accusing them of infiltrating into the IBM and HP Enterprise. But I saw reports saying that the IBM has clarified in a statement saying that there is no evidence that sensitive IBM or client data have been compromised by China.


